Friday, March 7, 2008

'eM' inspired me...

My friend Manesh told me last day about 'eM' who posts frequently on Blogger... I found her really bold and open... Quite interesting reading. I wish if others were equally committed and straight... So that the community became one where more intimate feelings were exchanged.. than just a lot of ideas and outlooks... where you felt like you really belonged...
At least that way it makes up for the lack of boldness the earlier generation had... the downright falseness of their attitude... for which they already pay and will pay more in the future.. in terms of the lack of respect the present generation is feeling towards their perspectives.. their mindsets.... Something they do deserve... for not having been true to themselves..
Being true to oneself...Being true to at least one's own self...
That precisely is the best value a human being can possess..

find 'eM' @